Tuesday 5 June 2012

Most attractive girl/skinny girl/curvy girl/fit girl/fat girl

I would like to think that I am a fit guy, I workout and I have what may be referred to as a lean muscular body (even though at the moment I am trying to gain more muscle). I as a guy who works out do not expect  a chick who I am interested in or even involved with to go to the gym, heck most chicks I and most of my friends are attracted to are normal chicks who do not even workout. Being a black guy I have a preference of course for women who are curvy (not that all black guys prefer curvy women). And when I say curvy I do not mean fat girls, I am not into fat girls I feel they are unhealthy and should seriously consider a change in diet and maybe consider working out.
Joelle as beautiful skinny fitgirl

Some of these curvy women may be considered fat by others because from a certain stand point they may be slightly overweight but I have no issues with that. Girls with a little cellulite and some fat on their belly are normal and I still find them attractive, they have that hourglass or pear shape with wide hips that makes them look attractive because that whole shape makes them different from males.

I am not usually attracted to skinny girls as well because they lack shape and vital features that appeal to me (breasts that are average or bigger, butts that are shapely and not flat), they look more like teenage boys to me but since this is just my opinion I know that there are guys out there who like the skinny chicks.

Having an athletic chick that works out and has a nice shapely body is a dream for most dudes including me but having a tight athletic hot babe body alone is using unless it’s not a serious relationship you are looking for. Since I love being in shape and working out a fit chick could be a good match.

Going back to the fat girl topic, I do not give fat girls the time of day, nor flirt or give them any reason to think I am attracted to them. I do not like being an asshole especially to nice people, so I will be friend’s maybe, but not to the point where I lead a fat chick on. In bodybuilding forums the fat chicks are referred to as WHALES (mean, I know – Gym guys are douche bags, I am one I should know). Fat people come up with all sorts of excuses like low self esteem (who do you suppose should change that for you?), comfort eating (eating to solve your problems creates more problems so why do you continue to do that? Are you an idiot?), and they call them self shapely and curvy as a excuse (the curvy guys speak of is a shape like pear shape and hour glass figure not irregulars troughs and crests of skin folds all over the body).

 I know it’s a bit mean (I did say I was a bit of a douche bag) but you are responsible for your own health and well being, excuses get your nowhere. Unless you have some medical cause for why you keep piling on weight, you have no real excuse, you are just lazy and do not care enough for your own health.

Being obese increases the chances of you getting health problems and I am not attracted to people who do not care about how they look or those that do nothing about it but make it worse. Your body is your temple it’s your own responsibility to look after it.

I got a little side tracked there; my point is the average chick could be the most beautiful girl to me, because personality trumps all other things. I have been into more normal chicks than hot tight fit chicks because I found that in super hot chicks there is often some attitude issues (again this is just my opinion, you can make up your own mind). Moreover I like girls who can stand up for themselves and not just take my shit. Chicks with more than just looks are the most attractive, looks pull you in but they do not keep you interested even through the B.S. And I am not saying I could not fall for a fatty, all I am saying is I would never be happy with the way she looks, her body would disgust me even if I was attracted to her personality which is not a good thing.

For the love of violence

I love fighting, I love watching people fight, I love being in fights (with only ones body as a weapon), I love beating people up and them beating me up much the same. In a world where people are crying out for piece violence still reigns supreme. The world will never be at piece, there is always someone bombing and killing people somewhere around the world. I love fair fighting but I do not support violence using weapons with the intension to kill anyone.

We all have violence in our blood, perhaps I more so than some of you, for I come from a warrior bloodline where young boys would be taught to fight and face each other on a regular basis. Sadly this does not happen much in my generation, it ended with my father’s generation.

Mike Tyson once the worlds most dangerous man

As a kid I would watch movies, action movies and martial arts movies from china, at the end of the movie I like any other normal boy would be so pumped that I wanted to try out some of the moves that I saw in the movies. I could not wait to visits a friend and practice the moves with him. My friends and I which was basically all the kids in our neighbourhood would host fighting competitions to see who the best fighter was and just to have fun kicking each other’s asses.  I ruled for a while amongst my age group and others a couple years older but everyone gets their ass kicked even me.

I liked facing guys that I felt would challenge me, not weaklings who I could easily defeat, that was not fun. That’s why I liked facing older guys because I knew they were stronger than I was and would possibly kick my ass, and I always did my best and got better with practice.

Many times if I beat someone up and it was at their backyard I had to run home since I got in trouble with their parents especially their mothers. My mother had no problem with me since I never complained to her. Plus if I told her anything about someone beating me up, she would go to that person’s house and embarrass me and that was not what I wanted, I wanted to be seen as a badass not a sissy.

I was a good student in school I mean so I would eventually go the library and get books about fighting and read up and practice those fighting techniques. I read about different styles of fighting from Karate to Judo and everything in between.

The problem with me is I loved fighting, I was shy and soft spoken and one of the smallest kids around so new kids would try and pick on me only to have their asses kicked. I did not really know how to solve conflict, so if someone was irritating me, swearing me or making fun of me I would simply kick the ass. I realised that kicking peoples asses was not the right thing to do because martial arts teaches you self control, but I never ever started conflict so that was the excuse I always had after kicking someone’s ass and I always had a 3 warning system whereby I would warn you 3 times if you were doing something that made me angry and on the 3rd strike I would kick your ass without any further warning.

I was not a bully because I did not go around beating innocent people up but I did have anger issues and I had a bad way of resolving conflict which was fighting. Funny enough after fighting with most guys, we would become friends afterwards. I beat up many kids and I got beaten up a few times myself either by my opponents or their older brothers but I always had a never give up attitude, I fought even when the odds were against me, till the end which was mostly when people usually adults came and stopped us.

I am older now, I do not fight as often because I practice self control and use other methods of conflict management but there are still some situations where a serious ass kicking is needed. My most recent fight after many years of not fighting was last year when my varsity friends and I were at a KFC drive-thru and we were attacked by some random violent idiot who was later joined by other idiots in what eventually became a street brawl. All I can say is, people got hurt, guns were involved (not shot was fired only threats until the issue was resolved), shoes got lost (lol, my friend lost his sandal when we were being chased by armed idiots), cops were involved. In the end it was one of my most adventurous nights out, at some point I thought I was going to die.

Anyways the world is a violent place, there will never be peace, you can try however hard to bring peace to earth but that is not possible. I love wrestling, I love MMA, I love boxing/kickboxing and so do a lot of other people, I love GOD OF WAR and other violent games and lots of people love those as well so that is my 2 cents on violence. 

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Increasing blog traffic – alternative strategies

As a blogger I am always on the lookout for ways to increase blog traffic. There are methods that were used in the past that are no longer as effective now, post goolge panda/penguin. Needless to say I am not a big time SEO guy or a problogger, I pick up ways of growing traffic by reading major blogs like problogger.net, smartpassiveincome.com and a whole lot of other blogs.  I also learn by not only reading about ways of growing traffic but implementing them and seeing what results I get from several methods.

Back in the beginning about 6 months ago, I was using updating my blog regularly as my only strategy of growing traffic and that was going well and it has been proven to work well but, It was going to take a long time to get a lot of traffic and I am a one-man team so I cannot keep posting regularly without sacrificing quality, which counts more than quantity if you plan to retain viewers. I do not post often for this blog but I try to post as much as I can for my fitness blog.
rise through all the challenges and come up ahead

I started blog commenting  but I was not doing a lot of that, so I have not seen much progress from that yet, maybe I need to increase the amounts of comments I make to maybe 5-10 daily comments to blogs in related niches. It has worked for many others before and its works now even during these google updates.
As I said in my other post about things I have learnt in a few months blogging, I realised that other fitness bloggers had steady daily traffic and yet they only post a couple times a month. 

So I started trying to build strong back-links using eZine Articles, squidoo and hub pages. What happened next is that my blog disappeared for 2 weeks probably because of what’s called the google dance. I had built too many good back-links in a short space of time and I was punished because it did not look natural. At a later point I decided I will no longer submit to eZine Articles except for maybe once or twice a month.

Hubpages was bringing me some decent traffic and Squidoo as well, these types of sites seem to be doing well after the google updates. I plan to submit more articles to these sites (when I find the time), but I read somewhere that if you want your Hubpages or Squidoo  pages to do well you need to build back-links pointing to them, that will help both your pages and sites rankings and increase your traffic.

I have guessed posted a couple of times to a related fitness site, which is one of the top fitness sites on the web. I got some traffic from those posts on the day, still waiting a few weeks to see the effect of all these back-links on my traffic.

I was hit slightly by the updates luckily my blog was still new and I have been working my way back ever since but things seem to be looking up now, the problem then was that I was relying of blog content only and I had no back-links.

I have found an awesome way to get back-links and traffic to my blogs, Using Tumblr. You see Tumblr has a viral effect and if you create related content in the short most viral form like images and smart little quotes, you can get a lot of back-links through reblogs and more people can be exposed to you blog that way by placing relevant links in your content.

Plus using Tumblr is fun, I prefer it over twitter but I do both. I will create a Facebook page for my fitness blog when I have enough traffic, for now I will learn more about using Facebook to drive traffic, and how to build effective Facebook pages. Oh and I almost forgot I also use Google plus, I share all my post there but I am still not sure how to get more people using it. One person can only do so many things by themselves, I think its best just specialising in getting traffic using 1 or 2 social networks.  

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