Wednesday 8 February 2012

Super Heroes and Super Villains

The age old battle between heroes and villains will always be there, what fun would a world where there were no superhero movies and comics. Being a fan of such things is a part of growing up, it teaches you to be good and treat others with respect while it entertains you. In hero movies the super villain always has a reason for becoming the way that he or she or it is, but at the end of the comic, movie or series you learn that even if that evil doer is evil by nature or because something made them that way it is not right to hurt others and you must try to change otherwise the hero will give you a pounding.
superhero of gotham city

yes, there are good lessons to be learnt from hero movies/series/comics but I always found it a Little funny and unfair that the good guy always wins. The truth is the evil guys are just as strong if not stronger than the heroes, yes in some comics the hero ends up one day being killed by the villain. The thing is no one even in fictional characters is without weakness and that means sometimes people must be disappointed and be sad because that is how the real world is, the good guys don't always win and sometimes they turn into evil villains.
supervillain the dark night

The thing that made me think of this was the Batman movie the DARK KNIGHT, in that movie I was a fan of the villain the JOKER and not Batman, Batman is boring whereas the Joker was the one who made the movie awesome. Batman has fancy gadgets and all but theres no way he could actually beat the Joker, the Joker is a survivor, an entertainer so full of life and he is creative. All I am saying is the hero need not always win.  

Sunday 5 February 2012

lack of emotion even in failure

I used to be a good straight edge guy but over the past couple of years that has all changed. I used to be an academic, caring about the marks I got for tests and exams. I used to be the guy who used to be close to tears just because I got an 89% for my finals instead of a 90%, but that all changed. I feel like the guy I use to be is gone, I was watching bits and pieces of myself float away into nothingness. The guy i used to be had A COMPETITIVE EDGE but now I couldn't care less.

The funny thing is that I enjoyed winning whether it was getting a high rank in class or just for self satisfaction, but when it was at a more personal level I was bored and out of tune with general society. I do not know when I changed, or what caused the change, all I know is one day I woke up and everything did not matter anymore, it was just about me living in the moment doing what I felt like when I wanted to do it, the chains had been broken and an emotionless monster was released.

I started to enjoy myself more, enjoy life, entertain people without even trying to, my game and self confidence improved. The social life was good but time was flying by and I started experiencing failures be it academic or relationships with girls who did not understand me. At times when i was not enjoying myself the general orderly structure of my life was falling apart and I did not care, I did not even feel sad anymore it was more like life sucks and I wont get anything by crying over stuff that's already a part of history.

I have always felt like I was lucky for most of my life and I like all humans am bound to run into rough batches at some point. I knew that there are people in the world out there who are far worse off than I am, and saw my failures as an opportunity to pursue my inner most desires, a chance to do what I want and see where it takes me. Sometimes my mother even shouts at me in an attempt to try and reach me, she says I don't even show emotion when most people would, but the thing is I feel but I do not show it, I have my own ways of venting in a healthy manner. I look for ways forward I do not cry over past events. The past couple of years have gone by in a flash and in that flash a new me has risen, I want to be my true self from here on in...I want to project the person I am inside and introduce the world to him, I think that only then will I get the most out of life.

Saturday 4 February 2012

We don't always get what we want, when we want it

I am still young and like I said in my finding a purpose post, I don't know why we exist, but I hope I find something meaningful to live for sooner rather than later. Have you noticed that sometimes in life you prepare for something your whole life and you convince your self that its what you want to do, you think you already know yourself, you let elder people such as your parents and teachers sort of unknowingly brainwash you into this image of yourself often influenced by what they want you to be. you go along with it foolishly thinking thats who you really are and you build a future based on what you have been building up for years. Many people live life that way until someday you get fired or you get your heart broken so badly you think the worl is about to end, because you had made the same mistakein your relationship that you had made earlier on in life....what is this mistake you say..well that putting all your eggs in one busket and thinking that the pathway you are on is the only pathway that will lead you to some perfect life.

life is made with these little speed bumps and sooner or later you will hit one, but I think its better if you hit these speed bumps earlier on in life so that you realise life is not perfect and that that things don;t always go the way you want them to. You should realise early on that people do bad things, that no one is perfect, there is no equation to a perfect life, your parents are not perfect and in the end we all end up damaged somehow...its these battle scars that make us strong, its these battle scars that makes us human so that eventually on our last day we know that we fought a brave war and we gave it our all.

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