Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday 26 February 2012

blogs are like tv shows

Successful blogs have a lot of traffic, and a loyal following that looks forward to every post and buys the products the blogs release and advertise. Successful tv shows like the Dr Phil show or the Oprah Show before it ended work much in the same way, they have a loyal international following making their traffic flow in by the millions and making their hosts filthy rich. What ever these shows endorse people mindlessly buy just because Oprah said its a good book or something like that, instantly taking those products to the best sellers list.

Shows associated with Oprah like the Dr Phil show and that show with Dr Oz become an instant success and get alot of traffic, its just up to them to entertain and keep the traffic by having relevant and interesting shows.

This is much like how if a young blog suddenly gets noticed by an established blog it receives alot of traffic and then its up to you the small blogger to make sure your blog is prepared for the traffic, it is monetised (if you are in it for making some money) and that you have content that people would be interested in so that they subscribe to your blog.

Just like the successful television shows, anything that the big blogs advertise is an instant hit with the big blogs loyal following especially if the blog has a reputation for recommending good products. I am beginning to see that many things that are successful have a lot of things in common, whether its a radio show, or tv show or even a good relationship.  

Thursday 16 February 2012

We all want to be tall

Nobody likes being short or being really tall for that matter but we would all like to be atleast the same height as everyone else around us. Girls are relatively shorter than guys buy there are alot of girls who are as tall as guys for example models.

Your height is dependant on lots of factors such as genetics and your health and nutrition during different stages of development. If for example you started doing certain kinds of drugs or were exposed to dangerous toxins when you were growing up, this could have stunted your growth. Even if you mother used drugs when she was pregnant with you, that could have stunted your growth especially in the early stages.

My parents are both about 5'9'' (1.74-1.75m) and I am already taller than them at around 5'11''(1.8m) tall. My grand father on my fathers side was above 6'0'' tall and so was my uncle who is my dads younger brother, and only one of my close cousins in tall standing at 6'2''. The rest of my family are either short or average sized. Average could be anything depending on your country, the stats are different for guys and girls. Here in South Africa we are not the tallest people in the world with our guys at an average height of 5'7''(1.69m) just look at our soccer team Bafana Bafana.

A friend of mine who is pretty short or average in terms of our country once told me that he has always been short and has gotten used to it and he has no problem with his height. He told me that its people like me who are in the fringe of being tall that have issues with height. He said that we fringe people were like silver medallist, so close yet so far. I had to agree with him, I am taller than most people I meet but I feel short and wish a had an inch more in height so I could be that magical 6'0'' tall even though I don't think that would make me tall since there is not much difference between me now and if I was an inch taller.

This height thing is so weird because I would move from a public setting where I was taller than most of the people and then I would go to a club where I would then be dwarfed by most of the people including the girls because that particular club would be filled with models and model types.

I don't like feeling little and therefore I do not usually approach chicks who are BIGGER than me, its intimidating somehow but if they are sexy its a kind of turn on. I do not find women who look like they can beat me up attractive. As for guys, I am not the biggest, I am normal size so there will always be taller bigger guys and I do not care much about guys but it feels weird if I am the smallest shortest guy in the group, I guess the Australian rugby captain got used to that a long time ago.

Monday 13 February 2012

I don't understand fashion.

The fashion industry has controlled how women and certain metro men feel about their looks and the way they dress for ages now. It is responsible for spreading anorexic images and making women all over the world feel bad for not being size zero.

The industry is not all bad, it has provided the world new trends and styles in fashion wear. It has made people look good, sexy, serious depending on which look you were going for. It is responsible for making men more self conscious, and take their dress style more serious not only in business situations. Its not all bad, former super models like Tyra Banks have been promoting the good healthy side of the modelling and fashion industry.

With that said I do not get how women have been following advice of gay men in the fashion industry or the ugly women in the background on what is attractive to us straight men ( not that all people in fashion are gay or not so attractive themselves). We do not all like skinny flat chested women, in fact most of us don't like those kinda girls.

These fashion shows are more like art shows and these models and outfits are like pieces of art that's why you often find weird looking or exotic looking fashion models who might not necessarily be considered attractive by general society but they fit the fashion industry. And another thing in magazines you find fashion labels advertising something with nothing but nude fashion models, I do not get how that is considered as fashion at all when there are no clothes in the picture.

I am not a fashionable guy, I am not metro sexual, I wear what ever I feel like wearing, I don't give myself headaches thinking about what I am going to wear. I am a jeans/shorts and wife-beater kind of guy, a minimalist. I prefer not wearing much clothing at all, as long as I'm clean and smell good, its okay with me. All I'm saying is I do not get what all the fuss about fashion is about, if you understand it and it makes you happy and gives you a positive self image then that's great.

Doing what you really want to do - bringing what's in your head to reality

We all have things we want to do, but we don't do them because we are afraid of what people will think, we think our ideas suck, and then we end up not following through with in action plan and possibly great ideas go to waste.

Doing what we want to do may be a new business plan or actually being our true selves around people, it may be telling the girl you are crazy about how you feel about her. The worst part is that when you don't do what you really want to do you always have that 'what if' at the back of your head, its even worse then the feeling you get when you do try doing what you really want and failing at it. Atleast you have got the experience, and next time you will do everything you can and learn from your experience in order to get better results next time you try something of that nature.

Some situations like telling the girl of your dreams that you are crazy about her are always a gamble but whether she feels the same way or not atleast you would know where you stand. And things like girls not liking you back should not make you feel like doing what you really want to do is a bad idea because as a friend put it, girls have options just like guys, just because you like her does not mean she has to like you. Guys have a choice when they first see a girl and they usually go for the attractive ones and girls have the same right if they don't find you appealing, they don't have to say yes to you. So making yourself appealing and doing what you want will only go so far but in life you have to be willing to take chances.

You do not want to be the person who regrets not doing certain things when they were younger, if you want to do something really badly, do it. Do not let others who are afraid to take chances stop you, believe in yourself first then others can start believing in you.    If want you want to do in your head is illegal or involves hurting yourself or others then I suggest you keep that in your head and bury that thought.

Saturday 4 February 2012

We don't always get what we want, when we want it

I am still young and like I said in my finding a purpose post, I don't know why we exist, but I hope I find something meaningful to live for sooner rather than later. Have you noticed that sometimes in life you prepare for something your whole life and you convince your self that its what you want to do, you think you already know yourself, you let elder people such as your parents and teachers sort of unknowingly brainwash you into this image of yourself often influenced by what they want you to be. you go along with it foolishly thinking thats who you really are and you build a future based on what you have been building up for years. Many people live life that way until someday you get fired or you get your heart broken so badly you think the worl is about to end, because you had made the same mistakein your relationship that you had made earlier on in life....what is this mistake you say..well that putting all your eggs in one busket and thinking that the pathway you are on is the only pathway that will lead you to some perfect life.

life is made with these little speed bumps and sooner or later you will hit one, but I think its better if you hit these speed bumps earlier on in life so that you realise life is not perfect and that that things don;t always go the way you want them to. You should realise early on that people do bad things, that no one is perfect, there is no equation to a perfect life, your parents are not perfect and in the end we all end up damaged somehow...its these battle scars that make us strong, its these battle scars that makes us human so that eventually on our last day we know that we fought a brave war and we gave it our all.

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